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Target: AJMazza17
Distance: 1.5515% / 0.01551482
22.8 STEPPE-Eneolithic
16.4 FARMERS-Balkans_Neolithic
13.6 LEVANT-Neolithic
2.8 DRAVIDIAN-Bronze_Age
Alan tell Martin Ibon sent him a msg on this forum.I cant sign in facebook.

Thanx brother
Your welcome brother, I just sent Martin a message on his second Facebook, looks like his main Facebook got zucced.
agh sho they banned on facebook & i dont know for how long it didnt say how long.But this time it was my fault cos i was posting info on many sites about history.They were asking to prove it is you & that shit on facebook.We cant lose contact.
I'm an Anthropologist who specializes in racial classificiation & ethnic studies.
racial classificiation can't be studied at a contemporary western university. Thus you aren't a academic.
conquista de Tenochtitlan
conquista de Tenochtitlan
Saludos. Tengo fotos de actores indígenas y españoles en la conquista, cuidando el fenotipo.
Welcome to the forum. Here feel free to post and make threads like in TA. But the difference is on here you won't get silence like on TA. Cheers ☕
drinking cafe lol
Physical anthropologist and historian and a video gamer. I like to Watch movies in free time and some sports. MMA, wrestling and others, soccer. I like to exercise. I am also in combat sports. Such as I am a Grappler-Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner. And Boxing and some Muay Thai also. Any questions, feel free to ask.